MBB Lawyers

Analía V. Durán | Partner

Analía V. Durán




Analía joined MBB Balado Bevilacqua Abogados in February, 2017 as co-head of the Labour local and international practice.

She has more than twenty (20) years of experience advising on employment matters to local and international companies. She is focused in employment contracts, expatriate benefits, complex labour litigation and labour aspects of M&A transactions together with counselling on human resources matters.
Also, Analia is very active in gender diversity projects, compliance matters related with employment issues, and conducts seminars for key employees on a wide range of topics such as anti-harassment policies, privacy vs. monitoring at work; due diligence process for human resources and legal staff; how to avoid conflict at work, integration of disable employees, how to minimize litigation, between others legal topics.

Analía has been recognized locally and internationally as a leader in labour and employment law in Argentina, accomplishing the goal of developing and success in a male dominated area of law.

Analía received her law degree from University of Buenos Aires in 1996.
In 1999 she attended the school of English Legal Methods at University of Cambridge, England and in 2002 she received an LL.M. from the University of Sheffield, School of Law, England, with a focus on international, commercial and employment law, obtaining a distinction in her dissertation on international employment aspects of transfer of undertakings.

In 2004, Analía was invited by the University of Bologna in Buenos Aires, Argentina to take part in Jean Monnet Project, course on integration in the European Union legal system and its interaction with Latin America (program sponsored by the European Union).
Prior to joining MBB Balado Bevilacqua Abogados, she worked as associate in Allende & Brea; Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal; and Bulló, Tassi, Estebenet, Lipera, Torassa & Asociados.

Analía is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires and the American Bar Association (“ABA”).
Analía is author of articles for different publications, such as the International Bar Association, Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee and Abogados.com, among others, about her field of specialization and is frequently invited as speaker on several topics of interest by the American Bar Association.

Analía has been singled out by Chambers and Partners since 2014 as leading practitioner and associate to watch in Employment Law and by Legal 500.
Also, Analia has received multiple other important recognitions by the legal community, chambers of commerce and professional associations.
